Psalm 119:64

Psalm 119:64

The earth, O LORD, is full of Your mercy; Teach me Your statutes.
Psalm 119:64

Mercy, by biblical definition, is God holding back judgment we rightfully deserve or, as it is often said, God not giving me what I deserve. No wonder the psalmist writes that the earth is full of His mercy. How often we see tragedy and sorrow caused by others and wonder why God has not yet seen fit to address it, to balance the books, to punish the offender. Indeed the earth is full of His mercy. God waits long for each of us to turn to Him for forgiveness and salvation. If not, then the mercy we see around us will only be temporary until we die and stand before our Judge.

But if we turn to Jesus in faith and cry out for His mercy, it will be permanent as Jesus paid for all our sins. Look around and see the mercy of God waiting patiently for us to turn to Him. Then pray, oh God, teach me Your statutes!

So amazed at God’s merciful ways,

Pastor Jack Abeelen