Ephesians 6:24

Ephesians 6:24

Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.

Ephesians 6:24

This is how Paul ends his letter to the Ephesians. After an extensive dissertation on what God has done for us and what we should be doing for Him, Paul’s last statement reminds us how important it is that our motivation in all things should be love. And not just a general love, but a love for Jesus that is without compromise or blemish.

If there is a particular restaurant you REALLY love, you are bound to tell everyone to eat there. Your love for the place is so genuine you are willing to stake your reputation on it. We should be in love with Jesus that much and even more. Our love for Him should be something that just pours out of us wherever we go. And the promise Paul gives is that through this we will be walking in God’s abundant grace. What could be better than that?

Come eat a Jesus’ place, the food’s the best,

Pastor Gerard Deleeuw