Exodus 15:8

Exodus 15:8

And with the blast of Your nostrils, the waters were gathered together: The floods stood upright like a heap, and the depths congealed in the heart of the sea.
Exodus 15:8

Have you ever tried to pile water in a heap? That would be about as futile as “grasping for the wind” as Solomon likes to say. The only way a human is going to accomplish piling water is if it is in the form of snow. To do otherwise requires the miraculous, and that is what this verse is describing.

The children of Israel were being pursued by the Egyptians and God parted the waters of the Red Sea so that Israel could escape, and then He released the waters once the Egyptians were in the middle of the sea. The first part of Exodus 15 is a song of praise that the people sang to the Lord for their deliverance. This passage paints a picture of just how effortless it was for God to deliver Israel. With a heavy exhale through His nose, millions upon millions of tons of water were moved to form an escape route.

When we face the trials and tribulations that life brings, remember the ease with which God delivered the children of Israel. Our God is mighty and all powerful, and what appears insurmountable to us is just an exhale to Him. Thank God that He is for us!

Jeff Mericle