Exodus 34:24

Exodus 34:24

For I will cast out the nations before you and enlarge your borders; neither will any man covet your land when you go up to appear before the LORD your God three times in the year.

Exodus 34:24

In this chapter, Moses returns to meet with God on Mount Sinai in order for God to hew a second set of the 10 commandments to replace what Moses had previously destroyed in anger at the people (Exodus 32). God renewed the covenant with the nation, reiterated the law of first fruits, and reiterated the yearly feast requirements. The feasts required the men to travel from their homes to where the Lord was, whether it be the tabernacle or the future temple in Jerusalem. They were to leave their farms or businesses to make some long journeys, exposing their livelihood and families to threat and destruction.

Notice that God does not command them to do something that will put their land or families in jeopardy, because the command reassures them that nobody will covet their land when they go to appear before the LORD. Obedience to the Lord brings blessing. When God calls us to a task, or when we seek to obey Him, the ultimate end is going to be blessing. Are you nervous or fearful to step out and make a commitment to wholeheartedly serve the Lord? Fear not, God will guard you and keep you as you serve Him.

Jeff Mericle