Genesis 13:9

Genesis 13:9

Is not the whole land before you? Please separate from me. If you take the left, then I will go to the right; or, if you go to the right, then I will go to the left.
Genesis 13:9

The first three verses of Genesis 12 record the Abrahamic covenant in which God, amongst other things, commands Abram to leave his country for a new homeland. Abram journeyed to Canaan and at Schechem, the Lord told Abram that He will give his descendants the land. Abram continued sojourning in the land, but ultimately ended up in Egypt for a time due to a severe famine. In chapter 13, Abram returned from Egypt, and made his way back to Bethel, which is where he first made an altar to the Lord back in chapter 12. At this point, strife arises between Abram and his nephew Lot because the land could not support both of their herds and possessions.

Abram has a choice to make. He can either exercise his authority and send Lot away because Abram knows that God has promised him the land, or he can by faith and obedience put the interest of others first (Philippians 2:4) and let Lot make the choice of which area of land to inhabit. Abram chose the latter option, knowing that God is faithful. Lot ended up choosing the plain of the Jordan and he journeyed east (Genesis 13:11). Abram ended up right where the Lord wanted him, and the Lord confirmed to Abram that the land would be his and his descendants forever (Genesis 13:14).

What a blessing it is to know that God is faithful to His promises, even if it seems they’ll disrupt what we think His plans are for our life. Lord grant us the faith to continually walk with You, relying on You every step of the way.

Jeff Mericle