James 1:14

James 1:14

But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.
James 1:14

The Bible clearly shows that if we draw near to God, He is faithful to draw near to us. To say that something “draws” us in is another way of saying “lures” us, as an animal is led to a trap. A “draw” usually refers to our desires, both physical and mental. It is something that tends to dictate our priorities as well as our emotions. If I think about the things in my life that draw me to them, they are usually physical reactions of emotional thought. By that, I mean that whatever my mind is meditating on, my physical body is tempted to react to. That is where we can get into trouble, for trouble begins to brew when the body gives in to useless things of the mind.

If we spent more time meditating on things that are of God, we might find ourselves acting on those things and not on the “lures” of the world. Every so often, it might be helpful to ask ourselves, “What are the things that draw me or call to me?” Once one can answer that question, then they can distinguish if those things bring us closer to God or pull us away. We were created to be drawn to God, but when our desires are fed, they can give way to sin. Much like an animal is lured to a trap by food, so can we be drawn away if we are not using our time to draw to the Father. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be” (Matthew 6:21).

God Bless,
Paul Provencio