James 1:19-20

James 1:19-20

So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

James 1:19-20

For some, it seems the only thing harder than boldly proclaiming the truth of the gospel to a stranger is fighting off the temptation to fight for God with words of wrath. The Bible is very clear that the battle belongs to the Lord and we are to approach every person we encounter with a spirit of Jesus. God expects us to be living examples of what His word teaches and not someone who takes His word and twists it to fit their narrative. Additionally He never intends us to use His word as a weapon to maim or hurt the feelings of any of His children.

Those of us who call ourselves Christians should know what it means to be a child of God. Saved or unsaved, every human being is created in the image of God and, if we’re being honest, there was a time when we didn’t look too pretty in our unsaved state either. Approach unbelievers and scoffers alike with the love and grace that was bestowed upon you and let the gospel speak for you, God fight for you, and His Holy Spirit guide you. After all, you’re not going to convince or save anyone. Only God will do that. 

God Bless,

Paul Provencio