Jeremiah 29:13

Jeremiah 29:13

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13

Jeremiah 29:1-14 was initially written to the Jewish exiles in Babylon to encourage them to stay the course of their captivity and that God had good intentions in mind in leaving them there as captives. They had lost everything in this horrible overthrow by the Babylonians: their possessions, homes, family, and freedom. Their future looked uncertain, and they had themselves and their years of sinful rebellion against God to blame.

Fortunately for them and for us, God does not give up on us!
So, here in captivity, they would learn the frustration of a culture that worshipped many Gods and the weaknesses of all of their idols. They would be brought to their knees and would have to rely upon the good plans of God for their lives. To them, the prophet spoke God’s words, which are found in today’s verse. He was still available, even in this difficult environment. He loved them, would bless them, needed to teach them, and they needed to begin again to search for Him with all of their hearts. We know the difference between half-hearted efforts and those we give our best. So does the Lord.

I often hear folks complain that they haven’t heard from God about one thing or another. That God has done nothing about their situation. That it seems God does not care. I would suggest that seeking Him with all that you have may bring a different result, for He promises we will find Him when we seek Him with all our hearts.

God make me a whole-hearted seeker of Your face,
Pastor Jack Abeelen