Jeremiah 33:3

Jeremiah 33:3

“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”

Jeremiah 33:3

When I look back at my personal walk with God, I can clearly see times when I felt very far away from God and other times when I felt like God was pulling and leading me with a heavy rope. It is in those times that I felt far from Him that I usually remember the most. Please don’t misunderstand me, I’m not trying to make myself feel bad by any means. However, I do like to be aware of how easily I can drift away from Him and begin to guide my own life. I liken it to having a thorn in my side like the apostle Paul who prayed for his thorn to be removed, but eventually accepted the fact that God’s grace is sufficient for the day. Sometimes I need a thorn to remind me of how I ought not to live.

When God speaks, we should listen. But when God isn’t as vocal and when we feel a little further from Him, the truth is usually we had something to do with it. When God is silent, we need to ask ourselves if we are turning to His Word daily. It is there He usually can be found and with much to say. If that doesn’t work, we can pray. Although we cannot see Him, He is listening. And if all else fails, we can call another brother or sister in Christ for comfort since He created our evangelical ecosystem to work for unity and edification of the body. God speaks to us in many ways, but we must be constantly seeking Him in our lives. Only then will the sight of a sunrise or the feel of an afternoon breeze begin to sound like the voice of our Father standing right beside us. Call on Him always and in everything you do.

God Bless,

Paul Provencio