Job 2:10
Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?
Job 2:10b
Physical blessings and positive affirmations are always something that feel good. Part of every person’s confidence is shaped, to some degree, by the confirmation that falls in line with things that matter to them in life. It is natural to use these confirmations as reinforcements or guiding lights that what we invest in is worthwhile. But in the case of God’s love, it is beyond comprehension and something that cannot and should not be measured solely by our positive experiences. Yes, even our tragedies can be from God to us for our edification.
Job knew that God loved him and remained faithful to God during his sufferings. Job’s words to his friends remind us that everything is from God, and it is His prerogative, not ours, to deem what is a useful gift and what is not. To us we can be led so easily by our feelings and forget that God sees the big picture. If we measure God’s love for us only by the positive experiences, we may be missing the opportunity to grow in His grace and become the person He desires us to be. It can be a slippery slope from follower of Jesus to faithless, if we allow the negative trials in our lives turn our trust away from God. Remember that God loves you more than you can comprehend, and He allows things to cross our paths that He deems necessary even if we don’t at the moment.
God Bless,
Pastor Paul Provencio