John 14:12

John 14:12

Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. 

John 14:12

One of the greatest issues people wrestle with in life is what their purpose is. Why am I here and what would God have me to do with the years he has given to me? Without having a clear view, life can roll by muddled and unclear as days turn to weeks and months and years and we see no profit or gain or fulfillment. To the disciples He would soon be leaving behind, Jesus made a glorious promise, they would have the privilege of doing His Work and doing so with much more fruitfulness. Why? Jesus was going to the Father and they would be receiving the Holy Spirit who would come to live in them and empower them. 

What are greater works than the ones we see Jesus doing in the Gospels? The greater works no doubt is the spiritual works of salvation!  Jesus ministered for three-and-a-half years and then for 40 days more after the resurrection, as He appeared to over 500 and continued to prepare the apostles. Yet on the day of Pentecost alone, 3000 souls were added to the kingdom, to the body of Christ, in less than 10 minutes! Greater than blind eyes opened to see the world around them are blind hearts opened to see Jesus as Lord and receive eternal life. Raising the dead is awesome, but they would die again as Lazarus did. 

Yet to lead men to Jesus Christ, men who were dead are then made spiritually alive. WOW! Greater works indeed! For Jesus has gone to open the door for us as the Way!

Are you busy with the greater works? Tell someone!

Pastor Jack Abeelen