Joshua 1:6

Joshua 1:6

Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them.

Joshua 1:6 

This is the first of many times in which God calls Joshua to be strong and courageous. Here God is telling Joshua, because I have promised this land to your fathers, I have chosen to use you to fulfill my will. We see God clearly directing Joshua as to what he has to do.

In the same way, because of the promises Christ gives to us in His word, we can be strong and courageous to do what He calls us to do. We can be strong and courageous regardless of what this life can throw at us. His promises aren’t a matter of “what if they don’t happen” but rather of “when will they happen.” So whenever you find yourself facing a challenge, something you didn’t expect, or something that seems overwhelming, you can hold on to the promises of Christ in His word and be strong and courageous to move forward and obey Him.

For His Kingdom, 

Alex Alfaro