Joshua 1:7

Joshua 1:7

“Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:7

Moses had gone to be with the Lord and now the baton had been passed to Joshua. Though he was up for the challenge, he was still a bit fearful.  And as Joshua had that look on his face and as his hands were shaking a bit, the Lord says to Joshua “You are going to be ok and here is what you need to do. Observe my law and stand upon the word of God!” That was God’s instruction to Joshua and that is God’s instruction to us.

Don’t rely on your feelings, don’t rely on your strength, don’t rely on your own calculations, don’t rely on the advice of others, instead stand upon God’s word.

That is the best advice we could ever get and the best encouragement we can ever give!  If you are like me, my feelings go up and down just like a roller coaster. But God and His word stay the same.

You want peace and joy?  Do you want to enter into the promised land?  Stand upon God’s word.  Joshua did!

Pastor Rich Kikuchi