Joshua 23:11

Joshua 23:11

Therefore, take careful heed to yourselves, that you love the Lord your God.
Joshua 23:11

Joshua was facing his final days on the Earth, and he longed earnestly to impart wise counsel to God’s people. In the preceding years, the Lord had well provided for Israel. They were free, they were at peace, and they were blessed with God’s promises of more good things to come. But Joshua knew the danger of complacency.

Loving God is an ongoing choice to daily pursue the object of our affection. If approached carelessly, the intimate relationship that we enjoy with our Maker can easily be allowed to weaken over time, as we turn our attention to other pursuits. That’s why Joshua warns us to watch out. To pay attention. To choose wisely.

Let’s make an effort this day to take careful heed to ourselves and seek to be ever closer to the Lord our God. Heavenly Father, keep the fire of love burning in our souls, hotter and brighter, as we direct the devotion of our hearts to you.

Jeff Deal