Joshua 3:11

Joshua 3:11

“Behold, the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth is crossing over before you into the Jordan.”

Joshua 3:11

This picture of the ark going before the people and through the River Jordan reminds us that the Lord does go before us, always. 

This would have been such an awesome scene from a blimp looking down! All these people crossing over into a place that God had prepared for them and God was going before them. There are no unknowns with God. There are no pot holes that God didn’t see, there are no narrow cliffs that we are going to fall off of, because God has gone before us.

As we live this life of faith, the Lord doesn’t send us ahead. He says, “Come on!  I have a plan for you, it’s over here, this way.  Follow Me!”

Following my Lord,

Pastor Rich Kikuchi