Luke 10:38-39

Luke 10:38-39

“Now when it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house.  And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’s feet and heard His word.  But Martha was distracted with much serving.”

Luke 10:38-39

Luke writes of the time Jesus was at the home of Mary and Martha.  In the kitchen, Martha said, “Lord, tell Mary to come here.  She’s just sitting at Your feet, listening to Your words, and I need help!” And what did Jesus say?  Jesus then tells Martha that Mary had chosen the better part.  She was doing the right thing! Martha was busy doing this and that, and Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus.   

We can sometimes get caught up in doing this thing and that thing for the Lord.  Like Martha, even though she had good intentions in seeking to serve the Lord, she missed the most important thing we are to do.  To sit at the feet of Jesus.  Listening to Him, worshipping Him, and spending time with Him. That’s how we find the blessings of the Lord!

Sitting at the feet of Jesus,

Pastor Rich Kikuchi