Luke 21:28

Luke 21:28

Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.
Luke 21:28

Every week it seems this world gets darker and darker. We read about natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes, we are experiencing economic collapse in our country and around the world, and the news is full of stories about terrorist attacks and unbelievable acts of violence. All around us is the evidence that we are living in a fallen world and there seems to be no bottom. To the unbeliever, these events bring uncertainty and fear. After all, if this world is all there is and it’s clearly unpredictable and broken, how can they know what to do? Yet to a follower of Christ, we look at these things from a different perspective, a biblical one.

Jesus told us that as believers in this world, “We will have trials and tribulations.” The Bible is very clear because of sin, this world has been corrupted and therefore, we will experience its effects. But that is not the final word, we can “Be of good cheer, because He has overcome this world.” Yes, this world that we live in is broken.

I’m not telling you to cancel your newspaper and never turn on the news, but I would encourage you as you see all of these things, “look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”

Pastor Doug Hardin