Jeremiah 29:13

Jeremiah 29:13

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13

Half-heartedness is a thief that we allow to rob us of success throughout our lives. When we approach our daily work, whether it’s our career, our educational pursuits, or the tasks that we set forth to complete; engaging in these endeavors with a distracted effort often leads to a sorry result. Apply this idea to our relationships, and we can see how we sometimes end up with regret and sorrow where love and fulfillment were once ours to hold.

Now consider the most important relationship of all, the one between ourselves and our Maker. I have found myself “guilty on all counts” of giving the Lord a half-hearted effort in seeking Him. I can read His word until my eyes bleed and I can pray 50 times a day, but if my heart is inattentive to His voice and to His Spirit, my wheels are just spinning on an icy road.

In seasons of hardship and in seasons of prosperity, may each of us give God our full attention. Growth, love, and hope await us if we do. Let’s give Him a chance to show each of us how true this verse of promise really is!

Jeff Deal