Mark 1:17

Mark 1:17

Then Jesus said to them, “Come after Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”

Mark 1:17

In the above verse, Jesus was addressing the two brothers, Peter and Andrew, as they cast their fishing nets into the Sea of Galilee.  The brothers were among the first of the 12 disciples to be called and Jesus is asking them to drop what they are doing in order to join Him in His ministry.

The word “become” comes from a Greek word that means to come into existence or to be created. Jesus was going to transform them into something they were not and these simple fisherman would become mighty apostles who would turn the world upside down. Verse 18 tells us that they immediately left their nets and followed Jesus and verses 19 and 20 tell us the brothers James and John responded in like manner.  Jesus was able to transform these men, because they made themselves available to the Lord in obedience.

Jesus sees the potential in our lives where we do not. He has already made us a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), which is miraculous in and of itself, yet He wants to use us for the ministry of His kingdom.  God has a calling for each of us and each calling is an important work for the kingdom.  All we need to do is respond in obedience and God will make us become fishers of men. Lord, may we have obedient hearts to step out in faith to the calling which you have set before each of us.

Jeff Mericle