Matthew 2:14

Matthew 2:14

When he arose, he took the young child and His mother by night and departed for Egypt.

Matthew 2:14

Herod was about to issue an order to kill all male children in Bethlehem two years of age and younger, because he felt threatened that Jesus would somehow supplant his own reign (Matthew 2:3). Joseph was warned in a dream to arise and flee to safety in Egypt.  

There must have been many thoughts racing through Joseph and Mary’s mind about their upcoming journey.  What about provisions for the journey? What roads do they travel? They know Egypt is south, but what forks in the road will they need to take? Will there be bandits along the way? Where will they settle and live? Will Joseph be able to employ his trade as a carpenter? Yet with all the uncertainty, they stepped out.  

As we know the story has a happy and not unsignificant ending.  The Father’s divine protection on Jesus allowed Him to grow up and live a life without sin so that one day He would become the perfect sacrifice for mankind’s sin. This story is one of many Biblical accounts where someone in obedience to God steps out into the unknown by faith.  They take things one step at a time, waiting on the leading of the Lord. Father, may we live lives with such strength of faith and boldly follow where you lead.

Jeff Mericle