Matthew 4:19-20

Matthew 4:19-20

Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” They immediately left their nets and followed Him.

Matthew 4:19-20

Matthew 4 records the calling of four of the apostles to following the Lord full-time and Luke 5 gives us further information about that day. These men were fishermen, successful ones. But on this morning, Jesus reveals Himself to Peter and the rest as the coming Messiah and each of them immediately left their businesses and fishing boats and nets behind to answer His call. He told them He would make them fishers of men!

In reality, that is truly the work of the Lord for the church today. We are called to make Him known, to go out into the world and talk about Jesus, Who He is and why He has come. Today see yourself as a fisher of men. Are you catching anything? Is your line in the water? Getting any nibbles? What kind of bait are you using? Praying that you might become a very successful fishermen as God sends you forth today for His glory!

Wanting to make a great catch!

Pastor Jack Abeelen