Matthew 4:4

Matthew 4:4

But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ”

 Matthew 4:4 

I often think about how long I could go without eating food and, if I’m being honest, it isn’t too long. When the enemy came to Jesus after His fast, he tempted Christ by bringing up something that Jesus wanted, which was food to satisfy His hunger. Jesus, however, even after fasting for forty days and forty nights, gives us a valuable lesson about food and our needs as humans.  As important as it is to eat and care for ourselves physically, in order to live a life that is full, we must be filled with what God has to say, His word.

If we don’t eat properly, it often leads to physical ailment, so we address it as soon as possible. And yet how often do we forsake our spiritual well-being by not partaking, by not reading, or meditating on God’s Word? May these words of Jesus emphasize the importance of reading the Bible in our daily lives. May it encourage us to have a desire where we long for what God has to say. In His words, we have a fullness that can never be obtained by eating food.

For His Kingdom, 

Alex Alfaro