Matthew 5:44

Matthew 5:44

“But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.”
Matthew 5:44

Is it just me or is it a little harder to live by this verse right now? Making a stand for Christ puts a target on our back. Because of our stance on topics such as marriage, abortion, and the exclusivity of Jesus being the only means of salvation, the world hates us. Our nation is currently divided on almost every issue and the world will tell us that we are on the wrong side. They enjoy making us the enemy and labeling us as hateful bigots. When their hostile words are directed towards us, the natural response is to fight fire with fire, but Jesus has called us to live a different way.

As we stand for Christ, let us take a position of love and blessing. May we be the ones going out of our way to do good to those who hate us and to pray for those who wish to persecute us. We are to follow the example of our King! Jesus willingly laid aside all His rights and died a shameful death. As many of His enemies gather around the cross, they mocked Him and spoke words of blasphemy against His name. As Jesus slowly died on the cross, He cried out to His Father asking Him to forgive them. In the greatest act of love, Jesus died for those people who mocked Him, spit on Him, and beat Him beyond recognition. Are you looking more like the world or Jesus as you interact with your enemies?

For the King,

Daniel Batistelli