Matthew 5:8

Matthew 5:8

“Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God.” 

 Matthew 5:8

Has your view of God and His presence in your life been fuzzy lately?  Do you just not feel as close to Him as you once did? Jesus gives us the reason. We have allowed the things of this world and our own waywardness to clog up the filter, to mess up the vessel.  When you pour water into a muddy glass, you certainly can’t see through the glass. This is something only God truly knows about us, whether we are people having a clear conscience or a sincere mind. We can’t fool Him.

When we have a pure heart and a clear vision of God in our lives, outwardly we tend to be honest, trustworthy, faithful, and loyal. We maintain our integrity even when no one is looking. That’s why Jesus encourages this and gives us such a beautiful promise as a result.

Lord, help me to be pure,

Pastor Gerard Deleeuw