Matthew 6:1

Matthew 6:1

“Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in heaven.”

Matthew 6:1

            Most people like to feel good about themselves and like when others acknowledge their efforts. Who doesn’t like that warm feeling of affirmation that comes from the long hours of work put in at the office? Also, I’m sure that most people can also relate to the feeling of not being given the credit for their contribution. It’s a natural reaction to want others to know how hard we worked and then be given a pat on the back in congratulations. But that’s not always the case. Sometimes our efforts go unnoticed and we feel cast aside or even betrayed. It’s in those times that as believers, we must remember who our real boss is and what He has to say about our efforts.

            We work for a boss of one. We perform for an audience of one. And our efforts are seen and appreciated by God and God alone. One of the repercussions of sin is that man will always look for validation from amongst his own. But the Bible tells us that God loved us in such a way that no man ever will and, as such, we have no choice but to only serve for His glory and His desires. Even if no one ever sees our labor, God will. If our names are never etched on the wall of a grand skyscraper, they are still written in the book of life forever. And that is all the validation a child of God needs. So take comfort when you do your charitable deeds in silence. They are resonating volumes in heaven.

God Bless, 

Paul Provencio