Matthew 6:9

Matthew 6:9

 “In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.” 

Matthew 6:9

Jesus now begins to give His disciples, and us, a blueprint for prayer.  NOT “Pray THESE words.” But “Pray in this manner.” The first word of the prayer is very significant, “Our.”  Jesus wants us to know right up front that we are ALL in this together as a family. Not my father but our Father. Also, it’s not “Our God in heaven” but “Our Father”; “Dad”, it’s familial and personal. 

Jesus starts this model prayer with the acknowledgment of the Father’s dwelling and a complete adoration and awe for His holiness and perfection. And even though God stoops down to hear sinful man He never ceases to be ‘Holy’. We always want to begin our prayers acknowledging, and reminding ourselves, of Gods holiness, majesty, and perfection and it is to “our” holy Father that we bring our requests.

Making His name holy,

Pastor Gerard Deleeuw