Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year and it seems even more special this year. For the first time in nearly three years, we are able to focus completely on the gift of God that was sent for each of us and Whom we celebrate. The pandemic has left its mark upon everything. Lives were lost, many were sick and suffering, and fear was pervasive in literally every culture in the world. Some of it was legitimate and understandable, especially early on, yet unfounded fears shaped societies, politics, and behaviors. The body of Christ suffered as well. Some stayed away from fellowship, out of fear of catching the virus, while others carefully treasured fellowship as essential for their faith and walks with God. During the pandemic, life in the body, service to one another, and outreach to the world was severely hampered.  

Fortunately, the worst of it seems to be behind us and isn’t that what Christmas is all about—the celebration of God reaching down to man to save Him from his sin and replace uncertain fear with certain promises of eternal life. I am so looking forward to what God would have us to do in 2023 for His glory. I believe God would have us strengthen our walks, our ministries, and refresh our vision for this coming year. We have learned how quickly all can be threatened and much can be lost. May our Christmas celebration this year find us more than grateful for Jesus and more determined than ever to share Him with those around us! 

Asking God to focus our energy and outlook upon our Savior and Lord,

Merry Christmas, saints!

Pastor Jack Abeelen 

and the staff at Morningstar Christian Chapel 

and Growing thru Grace