Nehemiah 5:19

Nehemiah 5:19

Remember me, my God, for good, according to all that I have done for this people.

Nehemiah 5:19

Here we see Nehemiah praying to the Lord and when he said “Remember me, my God,” he was looking for a high five from the Lord.  You see, his heart was to please God and not the people.  Despite all that he had done and would do for the Jewish people by God’s hand, Nehemiah wasn’t looking for “atta-boys” from his fellow Jews, only from his God. He wasn’t looking for or expecting praises or rewards from the people, he wanted to please and serve the Lord.  And we can learn from that.

If what I do is motivated by what others are going to think, eventually I am going to give up.  If my focus is to please man, I am destined for failure.  But if I am seeking to please my Lord, I will never give up!

Remember me, my God,

Pastor Rich Kikuchi