One Step To Freedom

More than an addiction recovery program

It’s a study to help those who want to gain victory over life-dominating sin, teaching principles from God’s Word that leads to restoration and wholeness.

It just takes one step to let Jesus set  you free

One Step to Freedom

is a ministry that encourages people to take a step of faith in allowing Jesus Christ to set them free from addictions.

Every Monday Night

We meet every Monday evening at 7:00 PM in Room 4 to provide a “one-step” program for individuals who have had challenges with life-dominating sins and bondage. By pointing individuals to the Scriptures, people are set free from sin through the liberating work of Jesus Christ.

Small Groups

This small group setting is also designed to support family members and friends of those that are caught in the webs of addiction. Biblically based solutions are presented to those loved ones and individuals dealing with life-dominating sins.

Galatians 6:2

We are told in Galatians 6:2 to “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” By coming together, believers old or young, strong or weak, can be encouraged to press on in their commitment to follow Jesus.