Philippians 3:7

Philippians 3:7

But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ.
Philippians 3:7

Have you ever kept a mental list of all the good stuff you’ve done? I fed this homeless dude. I gave five percent more this month in tithes. I didn’t yell at a co-worker for being difficult. Whatever it might be. Paul here is referring to his pedigree of good works in Judaism. If you go back to the previous verses, you can see his impressive list as a devout Jew. But Paul looks at all of these works that were done apart from Christ and says, “I lost so much time with my Lord.”

This same mindset can happen to us! Being religious will never gain you more of Christ in your life. It WILL give you more pats on your back. All of the things I mentioned above are great! But, NONE of these things are where you will develop your relationship with God. They are the byproduct of your heart towards the Lord. Gain Christ through your personal time with the Lord in reading and praying and you will see a great gain in your relationship with Christ and you no longer have to look and say, “I lost so much time with my Lord.”

In Christ,

Pastor Sean Boehm