Proverbs 1:19

Proverbs 1:19

So are the ways of everyone who is greedy for gain; It takes away the life of its owners.

Proverbs 1:19

The context of this verse is in terms of those who are so evil that they will shed innocent blood for gain.  The end result is that they ultimately are destroying their own lives and that their own blood will be required of them.  What application can we make from this verse? We may not pursue gain to the point of murder or lawlessness, but that does not mean it is not to our own detriment. If our lives become consumed with gain or some other passion, then most likely that happens at the expense of something else. If the end result is that our walk with God diminishes, then there will be consequences as we drift from Him.  

God wants to give us an abundant life, but that can only happen if we abide in Jesus.  We are warned in 1 Timothy 6:10 that straying from the faith will bring many sorrows.  That is not what God would have of us. He wants fellowship with each of us, and a life that bears fruit for His kingdom. We need to always be on guard for greed and other distractions that will cause us to stray from our relationship with God.

Pastor Jeff Mericle