Proverbs 13:4

Proverbs 13:4

The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich.
Proverbs 13:4

How often in our lives do we want things to be different but then we get frustrated when, without any effort on our part, nothing changes. It’s a crazy cycle to observe from the outside but very often not recognized from within. My daughter struggled with this when she fell behind in her college math class. She didn’t do well on quizzes and tests but she wasn’t changing her study habits. Then the stay-at-home order hit and everything went online. To her advantage, she could now stop and start the lectures, which gave her time to take copious notes. She began to get the concepts and started acing her tests.

Do we approach our relationship with God in the same way? Let’s not sit back and wait for God to come to us. Determine today to be diligent of soul and press in to our time with Him in prayer, in His Word, and in fellowship. God’s loving rewards are waiting.

Not content with discontentment,

Pastor Gerard Deleeuw