Proverbs 15:27

Proverbs 15:27

He who is greedy for gain troubles his own house, But he who hates bribes will live.
Proverbs 15:27

This proverb speaks to the issue of integrity. So many people bow down to the almighty dollar and do some outright questionable things to obtain riches. Others however will just do slightly questionable things to obtain money and find a million ways to justify it. I’ve learned throughout the years that being greedy never pays off because you will reap what you sow.

I remember bumping a car in a parking lot once and my first reaction was, “It’s hardly noticeable, no need to leave my contact info, they’ll probably never even see it.” The only reason I felt that way is because I didn’t want to pay the money to fix it. Well, the Lord stepped in real quick to remind me that was a stupid idea, and I provided my contact info. The person ended up calling me and telling me not to worry about it, which was awesome and I was reminded that is exactly how I would like to be treated if it were my car that was scratched.

Being greedy, taking bribes, all these things never pay off in the end. It’s always wiser to do the right thing, forsake the dollar, and go for the greater reward of integrity which pleases and honors the Lord! 

Pastor Jason Witt