Proverbs 24:17

Proverbs 24:17

Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, And do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles.
Proverbs 24:17

I once read that we are never more like our Lord than when we offer forgiveness, mercy, and love to another. Yet sometime we fall far short of that ideal as we find justifiable reasons to hate another and even rejoice when their lives are found in turmoil. Our verse this morning addresses that fleshly attitude that is so unlike our Lord. Job, in searching his own heart (Job 31:29), shared he had not rejoiced in the destruction of those who hated him or lifted himself up when evil was found in them.

Today may the Lord give us victory in our hearts in this area of hating from afar and rejoicing, relishing, and smiling at the difficulties of our enemies. Instead may we love them as Jesus does us, seeking their best in prayer before our graceful and merciful God.

Praying for God’s best for my enemies,

Pastor Jack Abeelen