Proverbs 31

Proverbs 31

(Proverbs 31) Lessons from my mom

We know from our chapter that King Lemuel (v1), who wrote Proverbs 31, was blessed with a great mom; she was a queen and he a prince. This happy mother wanted to impart words of counsel to her son; the son of her womb and of her vows (v2). Her son had been the subject of many vows to God, and much prayer, like Samuel born to Hannah. But notice her prayer was accompanied with instruction and action. We read she (v2) taught him. The practical side of godliness is a faith that vows and prays and a diligence that instructs. So she taught him about moral living for a king (vv. 3-9); and shows him by example the model woman, wife, and mother (vv. 10-31).

To whom are you imparting God’s Words and what impact is it having on them? Praying for you today to be the kind of influence that King Lemuel’s mother was!

God, use me to touch others with Your Word,

Pastor Jack Abeelen