Psalm 27:14

Psalm 27:14

Wait on the Lord; be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord.
Psalm 27:14

Waiting is not something that comes easy to most of us. We look for the shortest line at the check stand and the fastest lane on the freeway. We ask how long the wait is going to be at the restaurant as the deciding point of whether to stay. We microwave our food instead of using the oven. How about sitting in the doctor’s office? Let’s face it, waiting is not fun! Time is a precious commodity that will never return to us, so it’s no wonder we are taught by the culture around us to be impulsive and always in a hurry. Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead to making poor decisions, such as running stoplights, texting while driving, not reading the fine print before signing on the dotted line, or not considering the consequences of engaging in a particular activity.

The psalmist would instruct us to wait patiently on the Lord. Therefore, we must yield to the Father and be led in the truth…His truth! When the Lord has something to tell us, it’s worth our time to sit back and listen. The more time we spend in devotion to Him, the more He will have to say to us. Before you know it, time will have passed and it won’t even matter. May our scripture today teach us to slow down and be mindful of our thoughts and actions while seeking approval from God in the decisions we make. Believe me, the time spent with the Lord listening to His still small voice is well worth the wait. After all, time is in His hands.

Patiently waiting,

Tom Moore