Psalm 31:1

Psalm 31:1

In You, O LORD, I put my trust; Let me never be ashamed; Deliver me in Your righteousness.
Psalm 31:1

Have you had a situation in your life lately where you had no other choice but to trust? It can be hard. To truly trust is to seek refuge, flee for protection, or completely confide or hope in. Trusting means we need to be willing to let go of control, like a downhill skier.

David in Psalm 31 is praying desperately for God’s deliverance from his adversaries. As we see, the prayer begins as a statement of trust, and he had such a deep level of trust that he even challenged God to not let him be ashamed in his deliverance. He knew that God would deliver him one way or another. Might we walk in that kind of trust today and take our hands of control off of ourselves and others. God’s got this.

Falling into His open arms,

Pastor Gerard Deleeuw