Psalm 34:4

Psalm 34:4

Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!

Psalm 34:4

How do we taste the Lord is good? Is it hot and spicy, savory, tart, bitter, or sweet? It is a combination of all of these, but this we taste with our souls.

Now I admit it; I’m a “Foodie.” A foodie, as defined by the Webster’s Dictionary, is, “a person having an avid interest in the latest food fads.” I’m guilty as charged! I love food, the way it looks, and smells, and tastes are of great interest to me. Don’t get me wrong, how nourishing it is for my body factors in, but by far taste is on the top of the list when I’m choosing what to put in my body.

Just as we seek nourishment and pleasure from food for our bodies, we need nutrition and satisfaction from God for our souls. Tasting God’s goodness through His word by His Spirit will make your mouth water for more and bring a desire to taste it all – the rich and savory, the tart and bitter, and the sweetness of Who the Lord is.

Take the time today to taste what the Lord has prepared and let it nourish your soul.

Pastor Doug Hardin