Psalm 4:8
I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.
Psalm 4:8
I love reading the Psalms for their uncanny ability to relate to my life in so many ways. I’m glad that David was able to express such honesty in troubled times and yet be fully reliant on God. It’s faith and the inability to be shaken during difficult times that causes others to stare in awe and Christians to rejoice. When the seas roar and the winds want to blow us over, we can be certain God is not worried, nor is He sleeping. In fact, His presence will cause us to lie down in peace and enjoy sweet slumber.
Anyone who has ever suffered from insomnia will tell you that it can be a nightmare. Sleep is something that our bodies cannot live without. And one of the things that can cause a person to lose sleep is worry. But God tells us that He hears us and puts gladness in our hearts. His face shines upon us and will remove all that worry and anxiety. When lying down in peace seems like an impossibility, turn your thoughts, your heart’s desires, and your face towards Him. And know that He is near to those who love Him. Then lie down in peace and sleep, for in Him you are completely safe.
God Bless,
Pastor Paul Provencio