Psalm 68:19

Psalm 68:19

Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits, The God of our salvation! 

Psalm 68:19

            Every once in a while, something astounding happens in lives and we might state, “What a blessing from the Lord this is!” What we usually fail to realize is that God is constantly pouring blessings upon us, but since they seem so “minor,” we don’t always give Him credit for those.

            According to the verse above, God daily loads us with benefits. Which means we receive benefits daily and, since they’re loaded, it means there’s many of them. If we took the time to list them, we’d spend a lot of time thinking about the Lord and what He’s done and less time thinking about the irritants in our lives.

            The main blessing we receive is at the end of this verse. God is the God of our salvation! We are saved by the sacrifice of Jesus. We can now know our eternal address is Heaven. If you find yourself grousing about your problems, start counting your blessings instead. 

Thank you, Lord, for your blessings!

Pastor Ron Kitchell