Psalm 90:12

Psalm 90:12

So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Psalm 90:12

As we come to the end of another year, I am shocked at how quickly time passes. Moses authored Psalm 90 and encouraged us to “number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12). It is a good practice to look back over the year and see where you have come from and look forward to see where you are going. The world around us is ripe for the rapture when the Lord comes for His church. I want to be ready, looking up expectantly each day. The darkness in the lives of those in the world demands we, as God’s people, make every effort to share the good news of Jesus’ sacrifice. I want to be out there speaking up for Him (2 Corinthians 5:20). God has given me certain gifts that I need to use to serve Him and His body, but getting involved is my responsibility. So, in my life, various goals are being formulated that need to be pursued in 2024 as I seek to “number my days and gain wisdom.” I pray you, too, will look forward to see what God might have you pursuing in 2024.

I love December because we celebrate the birth of the Promised One, Jesus, who came and took flesh and dwelt among us. Ultimately, He went to the Cross to bear the sins of the world so that whoever believes in Him might be saved and given eternal life. It is sure Jesus was not born in December; it was probably April, but I love that our year ends with the hope of His coming. We pray that your relationship with Jesus will make you an even better witness for His kingdom in the coming year.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

Pastor Jack Abeelen