Romans 1:18-19

Romans 1:18-19

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,  because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them.

Romans 1:18-19

In his amazing treatise on salvation by grace through faith in Jesus, Paul begins by establishing that all men are sinners. And all men will answer to Almighty God, whose existence is shown by His creation and man’s sinfulness shown to them by the gift of a conscience. Creation and conviction leaves all of us without an excuse. Paul then proceeds through his letter to speak about every possible category of sinners.

He mentions the perverse sinner at the idol temple. the respectable sinner admired in his society, and even the religious sinner whose outward lifestyle might suggest otherwise. From Romans 3:21 to Romans 5:21, Paul then represents the Gospel of Jesus and the joy of God’s plan, His mercy, His grace, and His love. Study these chapters well so you might be well-equipped to share with others what God has done and will do for those looking to His Son Jesus by faith. 

Preach it church!

Pastor Jack Abeelen