Romans 12:18

Romans 12:18

If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.

Romans 12:18

It’s easy to find fault in others and harder to love those who have wronged us in some way. If we are to appear to shine with the light of God, we must make every effort to live in peace with those around us. This includes the unsaved relative who loves to debate at family gatherings and the neighbor who refuses to turn down the stereo after 10 p.m. They, just like us, were created in the image of God and He died that they too may have the opportunity to live forever. Living peaceably with all men means some will shut the doors when the idea of talking about Jesus arises, but that should not stop us. Our actions should speak volumes too. 

Keep in mind that God wishes for all his children to live in peace and sometimes that means we have to make the first move. We have all been guilty of prejudging someone who we feel is a lost cause and, in reality, we may be the only Bible they ever see. Our actions and our words should be that of love and acceptance to those who appear to be lost causes on the outside. But just as we once were those “lost cause sinners,” they too are in need of forgiveness and are as much loved by God as you. Their lifestyles and actions don’t change the fact that they have divine unlocked potential to serve the Kingdom of God should they repent and follow Jesus.  Let’s remember to live peaceably with those who seem hopeless, because before we came to the saving knowledge of Christ, we too probably looked pretty hopeless to someone as well.

God Bless,

Paul Provencio