Genesis 50:20

Genesis 50:20

But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.

Genesis 50:20

Has anyone treated you as bad as Joseph was treated by his brothers and others? The brothers sold him into slavery and he was sent off to the evil Egyptians. Eventually, with God’s hand upon him, Joseph became second-in-command for Egypt and would meet his brothers again when they came to Egypt looking for food.

After Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, they were still scared and waiting for him to drop the hammer on them. That’s when he gave the verse above. Yes, Joseph had been through tough times and the brothers meant to do him harm, but God used it for good, to save many people.

We have to realize we can’t see the big picture, but God can. It’s possible our difficulties are part of a loving plan we don’t see now, but will in the future. 

Lord, may I see your hand in all things,

Pastor Ron Kitchell