Romans 5:8

Romans 5:8

But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8

There’s a lot of division today and sadly, you don’t really have to look too far to see it. Chances are if there is a divide between you and someone else, you may not want to really go the extra mile for them.

There is a great divide between us and God because of sin. Sin is anything that we say, think, or do against God. God is perfect in every way imaginable. To approach Him, we have to be without sin. But, even when we were against God, He died for you. While you were against Him, He died for you. He died for the person you have a divide with. Because God’s love is so great, He bridged the divide between us and Him. He died for you at your worst so you could not only become better but be better through Jesus Christ. And best yet, you could be saved and have a relationship with God where there is no divide but communion with the One true God. Turn to Jesus. He knows you are literally to die for. And if you know Him, don’t allow a chasm to stop you from sharing and showing the love of Christ.

Resting in Him,

Pastor Sean Boehm