Romans 8:1

Romans 8:1

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.

Romans 8:1

Paul, in Romans 6-8, focuses on two very important truths. First, that once we are born-again, the Holy Spirit living within us will work to guide us and enable us to obey the Lord. We need only to learn to reckon the old man dead each day, and turn to the Lord for His strength and power. The other focus from Paul is to assure us of our salvation, that even when we fail to obey or stumble in our walks that God will see us through.

The forgiveness found in Jesus is sufficient and complete and will bring us one day before the Lord clean and acceptable in His sight. Two truths that work together: we are to learn to submit to Him each day and deny the flesh and He assures us He will finish the work He began.

Committed to Him and resting in Him,

Pastor Jack Abeelen