The Book of Leviticus

The Book of Leviticus

Some important facts to get you into this wonderful book:

  • It contains more first person words from God to you than any other book.
  • It is a guidebook for God’s newly redeemed people to teach them about sin and God’s glorious desire to restore us to Himself through substitutionary sacrifice. It teaches us of God’s plan of salvation and shows us how much God is interested in being involved in every area of our lives.
  • It will help you make sense of the other Books of the Bible.
  • It will cause you to be grateful for His love for you.
  • It will bring you a new sense of our sinfulness and need and His holiness and goodness.
  • It will help you see why you need to come to Him His way.

Just some thoughts on one book, now go to read it and may God speak to you as you do!

Loving Leviticus,

Pastor Jack Abeelen