1 John 4:19

1 John 4:19

We love Him because He first loved us.
1 John 4:19

When you fall in love with someone, it’s not for anything they can do for you but it’s for who they are. You admire them as a person and you’re enamored with their character. As this verse says, our love for God comes about because He loved us first. But do you think God loves us because of anything we’ve done for Him? That would be a “No!” The fact that He loves us so displays His grace because He has seen EVERYTHING we ever did or will do and He loves us anyway.

Hopefully that realization will cause you to love Him back today with all your heart, mind, and strength and as you fall deeper and deeper in love with Him, it’s guaranteed you won’t be able to keep that to yourself. His love will spill over to everyone around you.

Overflowing for Jesus,

Pastor Gerard Deleeuw