1 Samuel 14:6

1 Samuel 14:6

Then Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor, “Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; it may be that the Lord will work for us. For nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few.”

1 Samuel 14:6

            Jonathan made a bold choice to leave his father and take only his armor bearer with him to go to the Philistines’ garrison. Fearing he would be outnumbered was not an option for him. It was only with the knowledge and faith that the Lord would go before him and provide the victory that he obediently ventured out. And it was through this act of bravery in what the Lord would do that led him to make this move. As the story unfolds, the Lord was faithful to do His work and prove that it is not about numbers, but by faith He moves.

            When the odds are stacked against us, things can seem overwhelming. I remember back to a time when I lost my job and had no money in savings. My wife was at home with our two young children and the mortgage would be due soon. It was in that time that clinging to God was the only option we had. Watching God move and provide for us every step of the way was nothing short of a miracle. God’s abilities are not restrained to what we think is possible, but we can sometimes restrain our faith in God because the army looks too big before us. With little or much, God’s will and provision always comes through. Blessed and thankful to Him are we for that.

God Bless, 

Paul Provencio