1 Thessalonians 4:7

1 Thessalonians 4:7

For God did not call us to uncleanness, but in holiness.

1 Thessalonians 4:7

Paul wrote this letter less than 20 years after Jesus ascended into heaven from Corinth as he awaited the arrival of Timothy to find out whether his three weeks of ministry in Thessalonica, before being run off, has taken root. Timothy would later arrive with the good news of God’s great work in establishing the church there. The church was committed, stayed the course under heavy persecution, and was to be an example to everyone of God’s saving love.

So in Chapter 4, Paul urged them to continues to shine as lights, especially in the area of purity set against the idolatry of the day which brought such sexual perversions to the people. Stand head above the pollution, Paul would cry, for God had not called us to uncleanness but rather to holiness, to live a life separated for His use. I suspect the Lord would call the church today to that same walk: be pure in an impure world filled with accepted perversions and be an example of what He desires as you stand above the mire.

Wanting Jesus to be seen in Me,

 Pastor Jack Abeelen